As most of the high-quality information isn't freely available on the Visible Web, Colnot Information Services can save you time and increase your research capabilities. You get better results for far less than the cost of doing the research yourself.

Colnot Information Services' founder and president, Thomas Colnot, has 20 years of experience in science, technology, and innovation. Since 2007, he has been advancing public policy making by providing advice to members of the Chilean Parliament, Parliament commissions and government officials.

Scientific research.

Thomas earned a Ph.D. in biochemical toxicology and has spent many years doing research on xenoestrogens, toxicology and metabolism of pharmaceuticals and consumer care products and the ecological impact of red tide toxins present in shellfish.

Executive positions in industry and not-for-profit organizations.

Working in R&D in the pharmaceutical industry in Germany, he established an information centre for toxicological data and participated in strategic business decisions. As Executive Director of a not-for-profit research institution in Southern Patagonia Thomas worked closely with local business and regional authorities to translate knowledge in new business models and advance regional development.

Advocacy data for the public affairs community.

Being a member of the Programa de Seguimiento Legislativo (Legislative Tracking Program) he is working with prominent international, business, and industry trade associations, corporations, Congressmen and Parliament commissions to help shape public policy activities in the renewable energies, environment and science and innovation policy sectors.